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Help at the Molli and get organized with vegan and anti-capitalist activists!

Location: Einbeck-Salzderhelden, Germany
Website: https://zur-molli.de

The molli is a participatory café collectively organized by volunteers. The non-commercial train station kiosk is self-administered by volunteers without a boss, free of exchange logic, vegan, critical of hierarchies, ecological and drug-free. Many different people contribute voluntarily to this participatory café and utopian space, from cleaning toilets to preparing food to setting up the stage. The idea is that this place is designed as such a participatory space. Feel free to volunteer as well!

The molli is therefore an experiment and a lived utopia to create a money-free and solidary world for all according to needs, abilities and possibilities in the here and now together. "For all" includes not only to act empathetically with regard to all humans, but also to consider our actions in dealing with non-human animals and other living beings in a hierarchy-critical way.

There are no fixed prices. Why?

Capitalism is currently destroying the earth and thus the basis of life of all living beings. Capitalism is based, among other things, on the logic of exchange. We want to overcome this logic and orientate economies towards the needs of individuals. After all, in the molli and preferably everywhere in the world, everyone should get something delicious to eat and drink, regardless of the size of their wallet. Perhaps you already know a similar concept, which is similar to the concept of freedom of exchange logic, under the name: "Give as much as you can and like" or "Pay what you want".


We - as volunteers ourselves and as an open collective - need people who are motivated to help with various tasks:

- preparing vegan food (e.g. pretzel buns, cakes, crepes, falafel,...)
- general cleaning tasks (rooms, train station floor, ...)
- organizing events (e.g. concerts, poltical discussions, game or movie evenings,...)
- social media & communication with press
- conversations with visitors (e.g. about overcoming the logic of exchange, veganism, importance of volunteering vs. issues of working for profits,...) --> Don't worry, we can have skillshares and discussions with you beforehand, so that you feel comfortable with that, if you do not feel comfortable talking about those topics with strangers already. :)
- maybe also giving workshops about the molli at camps, festivals or other events (if there is such a possibility during your stay)
- being actively involved in hierarchy-critical decision making processes (e.g. molli plenary)
- lots of other projects, actions and other things can be done in and around the molli (see for more projects in this area: https://utopisches-salzderhelden.de)


You will probably stay at the functional project house "K20" (see https://k20-projekthaus.de ) or in a flat of one of the house projects. The K20 is an open house for political projects and activities. There are communal sleeping places (see website). Sometimes there are many people, sometimes only a few. At the flat there is limited space for people who want to stay in Salzderhelden for a longer period of time, however it is already full from mid-August onwards.
Help at the Molli and get organized with vegan and anti-capitalist activists! Help at the Molli and get organized with vegan and anti-capitalist activists! Help at the Molli and get organized with vegan and anti-capitalist activists! Help at the Molli and get organized with vegan and anti-capitalist activists!