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Rehabilitación de una casa

Country: España · City: Nules

Necesito ayuda para rehabilitar una casa junto al mar. Los trabajos incluirían un poco de albañilería, fontanería, limpieza, pintura y decoración. WORKING ARRANGEMENT Preferiblemente 15 días, con 25 horas semanales. LIVING ARRANGEMENT Se ofrece alojamiento y comida .

Homestay above the arctic circle.

Country: Sverige · City: kiruna

I'm currently in the process of fixing up another older permanent cabin so i can rent it out/having guests on my property. During winter I don't have a lot of work, mostly keeping my tiny home clean and tidy and maybe shovel some snow If it snows. I live quite rural in the outskirts of a village, ...

Help with Reinstating orchards, vegetable garden, caring for chickens and ducks - Buckfastleigh

Country: United Kingdom · City: BUCKFASTLEIGH

My name is Katy, I am 41 with two children Agatha 4 and Bear 13, I am a single parent. I own and run two businesses (teaching medical professionals immunology and I have private medical clinics in London. Last year I bought my dream home and its completely beautiful, Its nestled in a hidden valley s...

Looking for a chalet help (Summer 2024) in the resort of Livigno

Country: Italy · City: Via Dala Corta, 112, 23041 Trepalle SO, Italy

For EU Nationals Only! Hello! We are looking for a fit, enthusiastic, and energetic chalet host to join us from July 1st for the entire summer season, approximately six weeks. I manage two mountain chalets in the beautiful and bustling ski resort of Livigno, Italy, a popular summer vacation destina...

Help us run a hostel in Malta

Country: Malta · City: Gzira

We love guests, you will be helping in cleaning and doing simple DIY projects. WORKING ARRANGEMENT 20 hours per week- 2 days off LIVING ARRANGEMENT Free breakfast and team dorm

Breathtaking nature, peace and freedom, helping at an animal shelter in Storkow, Germany

Country: Germany · City: Storkow (Mark)

We have a foundation and are an approved animal shelter-like institution. This means we are the thing between animal shelter and last home. We care for animals with special needs, that can not be adopted asap. In addition, we would like to become a refuge for alternative housing and are largely self...