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Help with B&B, bike & kayak rental in a Water Mill near Saumur, France

Location: Artannes-sur-Thouet, France
Description: We are restoring a water mill. We need help with a number of tasks - these can vary according to season, weather and how busy we are as we run a B&B as well as do bike & kayak rental. We also offer a cafe like service on the terrace. We are able to make our own flour and are working on improving electricity production.

Job and Reward: The tasks can be very varied: preparing rooms, interacting with guests, helping with breakfasts, helping with kayaks & canoes, bike maintenance & repair, serving on the terrace, gardening, decorating, cleaning, contraction, renovation... its a long list. We prefer volunteers to be flexible so that effort can be matched to when its needed. Typically it would be about 5 hours a day for 5 days a week.

Accommodation: we have several rooms as we are a B&B. You may have a private room or need to share depending how many rooms we have booked. Some volunteers have chosen to camp - it can be cooler on hot nights!

Food: For the duration of your stay, breakfast will be provided. For the days worked you will be provided with lunch and evening meal. On days off you will be responsible for your own meals. We would also hope/expect you to do your share of the food preparation and clearing up afterwards.

Volunteers Requirements: We are happy to accept volunteers with limited ability in English - this is often one of the main reasons people come - to improve their English. If this is the case we would expect you to make an effort - shutting yourself away or being glued to your mobile phone isn't going to help your language improvement! The ability to speak some French isn't a necessity but would be useful.

The most important attributes for us are enthusiasm, energy and respect. With these most tasks can be successfully undertaken even if this is the first time.

If you have trade skills (carpenter, plumber, painter, photographer, web development) we may be able to focus your help in these areas.

Extra info: We are on a river, you should be able to swim. You are able to borrow a bike/kayak etc during your time off.
Help with B&B, bike & kayak rental in a Water Mill near Saumur, France Help with B&B, bike & kayak rental in a Water Mill near Saumur, France Help with B&B, bike & kayak rental in a Water Mill near Saumur, France Help with B&B, bike & kayak rental in a Water Mill near Saumur, France