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Sapa O’Chau Centre - Vietnam

Location: Sapa Town, Lao Cai, Vietnam

Sapa O’Chau Centre. As of January 2012, the Centre accommodates 35 Sapa O’Chau students and providies daily support for over 70. Most are from Black H’mong villages, but some are from Red Dao and other minority villages. Our resident students come from particularly disadvantageous situations and live at the Centre during the week. Without this option the students simply would not be able to further their education as it would mean walking over 10 kilometers to and from their village daily in order to attend classes. The students are enrolled into Vietnamese Schools & Colleges and we run free English and Vietnamese Literacy, Arts & Crafts and Life Skills classes. Opportunities for Vocational Training is provided through our own activities as well as links with local businesses and NGOs. Our mission is to get all our students back to school and into careers. The Centre contains the Sapa O’Chau classroom, an administrative office, 5 dormitories, a kitchen, bathrooms and vegetable garden. The dormitories provide accommodation for up to 40 girls & boys, ranging from 12-25 years old. If you would like to visit the Centre, please send us an e-mail or talk to one of our staff at the Sapa O’Chau Café.

The ethnic minority girls and boys from the villages surrounding Sapa have limited access to educational opportunities beyond the age of ten. Even before that, many drop out of school to help their families, either on the farm, looking after younger siblings or selling trinkets to tourists on the streets of Sapa town. Although some do manage to finish primary school, very few have an opportunity to attend High School or any tertiary learning at all. There is a clear need to enhance the educational opportunities of ethnic minority youths in Sapa. Sapa O'Chau aims to improve the lives of minority youths through education, vocational training, and work opportunities, while also encouraging other local families to set up their own businesses and keep their children in school. Sapa O'Chau provides youths with the tools they need to return to government school to complete their basic education, and seeks partners to connect them with vocational training opportunities. In addition Sapa O'Chau provides support for students and their families so that they do not have to return to street-selling for income. Sapa O'Chau encourages minority people to participate more fully and equitably in the tourist economy of Sapa and the surrounding area. The Sapa O’Chau project is growing through the support of many wonderful people, both here in Vietnam and internationally.

Sapa O’Chau is reliant on volunteer support to sustain its teaching requirements and facilitate administration. Volunteering at Sapa O’Chau is an experience where you can transform the lives of others and your own. We aim to make sure our volunteers get as much out of the experience as the people and communities they help.

You can join our program from as little as one day to many weeks (although longer stays are encouraged if possible). Your schedule will be individually organised and your skills utilised. The minimum age for volunteering is 18 (younger volunteers must be accompanied by an adult). There are no specific qualifications needed to join us in Sapa. However, volunteers are expected to be flexible, patient, and respectful, and possess a passion and love for children and young adults.

Sapa O'Chau - CentreAccommodation will be in a local guest house or hotel in Sapa town and during the weekends you can visit the Sapa O’Chau homestay in Lao Chai village. We can help you to find accommodation that suits your needs and short term prices start from as little as $5 per night.

Volunteers are welcome to join the students for a basic H’mong meal at the Centre, visit one of the many restaurants in town, or eat tasty and economical food in the market. It is very easy to find great food to eat in Sapa and recommendations can be given or you can discover them by yourself. Sapa caters to all budgets in regard to meals (you can eat for as little as one dollar a meal) or up to as much as you wish to spend.

We want your experience in Sapa to be as special as possible and you will be welcomed as an important member of the Sapa O’Chau family.
Sapa O’Chau Centre - Vietnam