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Soil Born Farm Urban Agriculture Project - California USA

Location: 2140 Chase Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA, United States
The mission of Soil Born Farms is to create an urban agriculture and education project that empowers youth and adults to discover and participate in a local food system that encourages healthy living, nurtures the environment and grows a sustainable community. Location - We operate two farms: a 25-acre urban farm and education center (5 acres under production), and a 1.5 acre market garden, both in Sacramento County. Work activities - harvest, planting, propagation, weeding, bed preparation, and all other daily farm operations. Length of Stay - 2 day trial period, with a maximum stay of 2 weeks depending on work needs. Accommodation - must bring your own tent and sleeping bag. Expectation - Must be thoughtful. People live and work on the property and their space must be respected. A good attitude is essential. Smiles and laughs are just as important as hard work. Transportation ' close to light rail into downtown Sacramento. Cannot currently host children or pets. Languages spoken - English. Diet ' Mostly vegetarian. Farm will provide vegetables and communal lunch during workdays. We also offer apprenticeship opportunities: The goal of the apprenticeship program at SBFUAP is to provide a training ground for aspiring urban farmers by teaching the basic concepts and practical applications of organic food production, and to use agriculture as a platform to show how alternative food systems tie into the larger social issues of food security, social justice, and public health. Runs March 15-October 31. More info at www.soilborn.org/apprenticeship.html. Apply in winter for upcoming season.