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Andes Sprouts Farm in NY State

Location: Andes, New York, United States
Farm grows specialty/ethnic vegetables + herbs for market at local farmers market/roadside stands + nyc restaurants/buyers club. We have a low tech farming style employing minimal tillage, lots of mulching, cover cropping, crop rotating and plenty of compost. Absolutely no pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and, of course, no chemical fertilizers used. The crops and soil health at ASfarm depend on our hands, visual acuity, and community support. The season is short (hardy zone 4) and we are in a high altitude climate where the weather is dramatic. Farm animals include chickens, ducks and geese. The farm sits on 24 acres. Farmhouse built in 1832 with 7 bedrooms, 2 of which are reserved for WWOOFers. Kitchen and commons space is communal, so simple contribution to the house is helpful.ie. cooking, cleaning. WWOOFers would be expected to work 4-5 hours a day in the field. Harvest/market days may be longer as we generally pick the morning of delivery/market. Weekly veg delivery to nyc, every Wednesday. Also public transportation with PineHillTrailways, picks up and drops off directly in front of the farm. Enthusiastic outlook on the interconnected nature of the farm is good for overall
morale of our plants and people. In addition to the vegetables, a Design/Build project for off-grid studio units is in Build phase this summer and Blacksmithing/welding projects are ongoing. ASfarm has artist residency program, urban agriculture exchange program and ongoing schedule of activities exploring and cultivating the convergence of new media art and agriculture. Woofers are welcome May - November. All inquiry please send e-mail.