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Self-organizing community events - be a part

Location: Tainan, Taiwan
I'm a bodyworker (biodynamic craniosacral) and facilitator (individual and group) who designs and runs retreats (mostly healing retreats) to support people in their healing processes.

I'm working on turning this into a strong community-based social enterprise, a vision now referred to as "Tainan Retreats."

In my many years in academia I sponsored interns from around the world to join our projects. Now I'm offering something similar to potential volunteers on a community basis. The basic offer is simple room and board for passionate, responsible self-starters. Think in terms of at least a month together. Tainan is full of wonderful people and fantastic resources. The "how to" for volunteers, depends on the interests and energy of those ready to make things happen.

If you are interested in things like community building, healing, and activities in Tainan, send me a message. The following list may give you an idea of the types of skills I particularly welcome right now:

- web building. Wordpress or other.
- skills in ‘getting the word out’
- we could post photos on this page of what's here now
- Chinese language (to join me translating materials)
- video or sound recording/editing. Interview and document the Tainan-vibe.
- graphic design (simple clear invitations for activities)
- graphic recording. sharing outcomes of conversations. or illustrations on invitations.
- any massage / movement / somatics work (any others out there trained in Nia?)
- stillness practices
- conversation projects / conversation hosting (facilitation)
- cooking
- any musical instrument with interest in leading improvisational activities
- permaculture (community composting and worm farming!) - basic building (wood, welding, found objects) - arts & crafts

I also welcome anyone good with entrepreneurial business skills. The idea of turning passions into a livelihood is a new one for many. I'd love someone to join me in thinking through how to build this mindset into an experiential process - maybe a 90-day Learning Journey. Your volunteer project could be a "run through" learning journey, documented on the web. For example.

If any of these are a match or you have other ideas that feel like a match, just send me an email. Expect a lot of conversation and exploration via email and Skype to see if we can settle on a joint path forward.

Here's some things we've done in the past when people showed up asking for them:

* weekly action learning group - whoever comes forms groups and the group picks an urgent/important problem to move into the next action
* soil composting - lots of organic recyclables in the neighborhood and lots of uses.
* clearing & planting - a nearby empty lot has been offered to make a community space.
* earthworm farm - this is in the brand new discussion phase. Relates, obviously, to composting.
* community dialogue - topics, occasional 2-day
* "Truth About Life - South" (community dialogues that have been running for almost 10 years now in north Taiwan )
* Open Space discussions - (topics that are up at the time)
* group dreamwork workshops. Each dream takes about 4 hours to work through. Refreshing deep dive.
* music events - performance or group improv
* movement classes/ events
* potlucks